Kaiden says: “Mom, I need to tell you something but I don’t want you to get mad.” Cue Kaiden Chronicles. Calmly I reply, “Okay. What did you do?”
“You know that brown box in my room? I caught a baby lizard and I am keeping it in there.”
“Ummmmm….no. Are you sure you didn’t lose it? Did it hide itself in your room never to be seen again? Do you understand that Chet will eat it if he finds it?” (I have no idea if that is even true, but let’s face it. I don’t want a lizard scurrying around my house.)
Kaiden thinks about it and quickly takes him outside to live in the box on the porch. So I ask him, what does a lizard even eat? How are you planning on feeding him?
(5 minutes later Kaiden comes in happily from the back porch)
Is your lizard outside? Yes.
In the box? Yes.
Did you find it food? Yes. I caught it a moth.
Way to be resourceful kid.
*The lizard did not eat the moth and lost its tail from the stress of being stuck in this box. Kaiden was forced to let the lizard go.