I had a plan. The boy was going to be in bed by 9. Well…as you know if you have followed the Kaiden Chronicles basically his whole life, nothing ever goes as expected and we have a lot…A LOT of WTF moments.
So we got home and had a lovely fire safety lesson where we sufficiently scared the shiz out of this kid. Hello!! FIRE DANGER! If that was all the night had in store the kid would be sleeping soundly right now. BUT I decided to make him shower while I made waffles. This should not have been eventful. YOU GUYS! He came down the stairs with a plastic bag over his head.
Don’t worry, he cut eye holes to see and I am pretty confident he could also breathe. Of course, plastic bags on heads seem shady. I made him take it off. At first he didn’t want to. As I started to pull it off (because plastic bag on head) he said with embarrassment…its grey. Ummmm… I don’t have a single thing in that bathroom that should turn a person’s hair GREY in less than 10 minutes. Then I notice that he has some Donald Trump orange spread randomly around his chest. It dawns on me.
FOUNDATION!!! HE PUT FOUNDATION IN HIS HAIR!!! Why? Son of a swear word. Of course I took a picture. Do the crime, do the time. So…he got the most painful scrub down life lesson.
*update* I finally got the answer I was looking for. I have been asking the kid for days why in the world he would put foundation in his hair and all over his body: He wanted to be a Kardashian!